Another strong episode. We finally found out what put Locke in that chair, how the Other's have been able to travel back and forth from the Island, what Othersville looks like up close, and most importantly, the fact that two giant hamsters are powering the Island from underground. I knew it.
So let's just get right to the point this week: Locke is fucking everything up. It seems that on the surface this whole sabotage thing is pretty on target. We see in his flashback that his life certainly wasn't getting any better since the last time we saw him, in fact, it got a whole lot worse. The poor guy was just trying to bring his crooked father to justice and instead he got pushed out of a 7th floor window and broke his back. We can certainly see why he would want to stay on the Island that has healed him and made his life worth living again. But here's the possible twist for this week...did he really blow up the sub?
You'll notice that when Locke gets to the sub, he flicks some switches, gets all the lights on, and looks like he actually knows what he's doing. Flash forward to the scene where he is walking back to camp away from the dock and encounters Jack, Juliette and company. Two things are evident is that he's soaking wet. The other is that the sub - while clearly visible and right next to the dock in the previous scene - is no longer in sight. A few seconds later the dock blows and Locke apologizes...but something seems a bit off. So what's going on here?
Even I think it's a stretch to think that Locke was able to move, sink, or hide the sub...but then again, why would he be soaking wet for the following scene? I guess it's possible to think that he was able to move it, swim back to the dock, and blew up the dock itself to make it seem that the sub blew. Of course, the whole scenario could be explained by the fact that he placed the C4 on the outside of the sub and therefore needed to be in the water to do so, but that doesn't explain the fact that you can't see it next to the dock before it explodes.
I don't know, it could be nothing, but I wanted to at least bring it up. After all, Locke knew that Ben was manipulating him and actually wanted the sub to why do exactly what he wanted? And sure, Locke loves the fact that the Island has healed him, but is he the type of guy that would blow up the one vessel that could rescue his Lostie friends? I'm not sure.
And what's the deal with this magic box Ben speaks of? Ben explains that his people have come across something so powerful that it will allow his people's deepest desires to come to fruition. We then see the "box" in action as it supposedly has brought Locke's father (Cooper) to the Island...meaning that the one thing Locke wants more than anything else is to see his father held accountable for his actions...and viola, here he is. While some folks seem to think that the Others may have some sort of Time/Dimension travel abilities (think Desmond), but I'm trying to look at this from a realistic perspective. It's clear that the Others have outside links and have been receiving background info on the Losties since their arrival. Knowing that, it is much more plausible to think that they nabbed Cooper soon after they found out that Locke was paralyzed up until he set foot on the Island. Ben needs to know how this is possible so that he can heal as well. They knew that they may need him at some point, and that time has come. Ben needs healing...Locke apparently understands how that healing can happen, and now Ben wants answers. I just can't connect how having Cooper there will help them get those answers. At the same time, let's not discount the theory that Cooper is one of them as well...or maybe even "him."
It's interesting stuff...and it certainly throws Locke back to the for front of the show. But there are plenty of theories out there, so if you have one, let us all know below.
Here are some pics from the show that are interesting:
Our buddy Richard Alpert from Mittelos Bioscience pops up again...
Above was a portrait found in Ben's's believed to be either of Juliette or Karen de Groot (above inset), one of the original Dharma Scientists...
...But in the bottom portion of the portrait we see the woman holding a mouse or a hamster...this is either a joke on the whole "Giant Hamsters creating power on the island" (which would be hysterical), or more likely is a reference to Juliette, as she was successful in impregnating a male mouse (why she was recruited to the Island in the first place).
That's it for this week...stay tuned for what looks like a good one next week. We will finally see what the deal is with Nikki and Paulo (the new and so far useless folks)...and word is that someone kicks it.
Another note...I'll be out for the back half of this week, so my lateness in posts will continue for now. I know...I suck. Have fun working....