Season 3, Episode 22: "Through The Looking Glass"
Well, the producers said that we'd have something to talk about for the loooooong 8 month break, and for better or worse, we do. I enjoyed the season finale, but there are so many ways to look at what happened that my head's spinning a bit. And while we did get some answers, we have plenty more questions to ponder - as usual. Let's break this up into a couple sections for your reading pleasure:
The Flash Forward
So future Jack has some issues. He's picked up a rather serious drug habit, contemplated suicide, quit shaving, and started drinkin. The whole time we're trying to figure out when this all could have been (after his divorce? After Thailand?), but all the while the answer was right in front of us: the future! Some interesting giveaways included the following: in the first or second scene, Jack uses a "KRZR" flip phone...a phone that was not unveiled until 2007. Additionally, the funeral home has an interesting name - "Hoffs/Drawlar" - hmmmm - what's that anagram spell? You guessed it - "Flash Forward." Also, Jack's ex-wife is pregnant, and the paper where he reads the mysterious obituary is dated April 5, 2007. (An interesting side note...that "Residents speak out..." headline that you may have seen was the ACTUAL headline in the LA Times on that day - the obit was on the other side of the paper). There were also plenty of maps of the south pacific (where the Island is) in Jack's hole of an apartment in the second to last scene.
But the writers tried to throw us off as well...many people are hung up on the fact that Jack called out his Dad in the Hospital while getting reprimanded by the chief of staff. But I think it's more than believable that he was clearly intoxicated and wasn't really "in control" as he was spouting off about his Dad (people say weird shit when they're messed up). But we all learned the truth when we saw Kate emerge from her trendy Volvo station wagon in the final scene. And the chills start up your spine when you hear Jack say, "we were wrong...we have to go back!" (Quickly, who was this "him" that Kate had to go back to? Sawyer? Or...her child??)
So what happened? Was Jack and co. all indeed saved by Naomi's crew and now can't re-assimilate to the real world? Well, that seems unlikely based on the fact that all they wanted to do was to get off that rock for 90 days (and battled through some crazy shit while doing so). Moreover, we seem to learn that Naomi was not who she claimed she was. Penny tells Charlie she doesn't know Naomi before he meets his fate. Luckily he's able to communicate that to Desmond so that he will (hopefully) be able to tell Jack that they may be in trouble.
So if they weren't all saved, what happened? Well....what about this: what if Ben was right about Naomi and the boat. What if getting found is the worst thing that could happen to them? I think it's plausible that Naomi and her crew could be working for either remnants of the Dharma Initiative, the Hanso Corporation, or anyone else that knows of the Island and knows wants control of it for themselves. So then, Season 4 could be about the battle for the Island. The Others and Losties team up and take on whoever the hell these people from the ship are. And who knows how it happens, but my bet is that Jack was either tricked into leaving the Island or was taken forcibly from it. We know Jack - he's a fixer, a leader, a saver....he would never leave his friends behind. He wants to go back and help them.
Or the Island just really fucked him up. Who knows.
The Coffin
Who was in there? Why was Jack so upset? More importantly, why was Kate so NOT upset? That clue right there should narrow the field down considerably. My guess is that it's Ben, but others have proposed that it could be Locke, Sawyer, Michael, or even Walt (that box looked a little short). The newspaper clipping is not much of a help as only the letters "J......Lanthem" can be seen and we can't be sure that an Island survivor took on an alias upon return. But Ben seems to make sense to me. Along the lines of the theory above, Jack might feel a shred of regret for not listening to Ben's advice about Naomi. Making contact with that ship might turn out to be the biggest mistake he makes - and instead of getting saved he has endangered the lives of all those around him. Additionally, no one was at the funeral, which makes sense cause no one knows Ben outside the Island. Finally, Jack says that he is "neither a friend or family" which rules out a lot of folks. But then why so upset about your enemy's death? Well, maybe he viewed Ben (or whoever this person is) as a possible ticket back to the Island. And with that ticket gone, his chances for going back are that much lower.
Or maybe he was just real emotional cause of the drugs and you know....the depression and all. Who knows?
After being pretty indifferent towards Charlie for the last season or so, he really made a comeback in the last few episodes and I was actually sad to see him go. Although, I don't see why he felt the need to tell the two Other ladies the Losties entire plan (and Bernard too...what's up with that...just lie for Christ's Sake!), but I guess he figured they were all going to die anyways. But the most important thing we really learned from this entire side story is that Ben was lying to a whole bunch of people. Not only Juliette thought the station was flooded, everyone but Ben did. And those two chicks down there were supposedly "on assignment" in Canada. Hmmm...apparently Ben's got some trust issues. But again, maybe he's doing all of this to protect his people.
The smoke. I think. There were whispers right before his appearance and that usually means the Island is up to its usual shenanigans. But then again, who knows? But looks like Walt will probably be a top ten NBA draft pick now that he's about 8 feet tall.
He knows what's up. The connection between him and Jacob and the Island seems like it's well on its way. He may even take control of the whole operation. Regardless...good to know for sure that he'll be around.
Flash Forward Reprise
So should we expect more Flash Forwards in the coming seasons? Could it be possible that the whole paradigm of the show has shifted? So instead of getting flashbacks we will only be getting flash forwards from now on and will be working our way back to the past? Or will be getting a little of both and work our way to the middle? Or what if the entire show is a just one big flashback pieced together by all the surviving characters? My head hurts....
Overall, there are a ton of questions to ponder. And maybe it is a good thing that we have 8 months to think about them. But I think the finale lived up to its hype. The show is going into a new direction, and I know I'm excited even though we have NO IDEA what that direction might be. I hope you all enjoyed watching. Sound off with any ideas you have below...and if not I'll see you next year!