Friday, October 06, 2006

Season 3 Episode 1: "A Tale of Two Cities"

And we’re off! Great first episode last night. It really didn’t give me too much to find out seeing that there were plenty more questions than answers and no “smoking gun” (i.e. black smoke or island maps) to investigate. That being said, there’s always something to theorize about…so here goes.

It’s now confirmed that Desmond did indeed cause the earthquake/magnetic field/plane crash when he initially did not enter the numbers. It’s also confirmed that the survivors weren’t “destined” to be drawn together on the island, or that their arrival was expected by the others. They seemed just as surprised by the earthquake and crash as anyone. But they certainly sprung to action and Goodwin (killed by Anna in Season 2) and Ethan (killed by Charlie in season 1) were sent out to each camp to generate a List (of the “good” people) and have it back in three days. Sounds like this has happened before….

To back up a smidge, the Book Club was reading Stephen King’s Carrie. The significance here could be that in the book Carrie had telekinetic abilities and subsequently uses said powers to kill her tormenters. It’s Juliet’s favorite book, and it looks as if Juliet and Henry Gale/Ben (or now known as “Benry”) were together but are no longer. Maybe she’s looking for some revenge herself. OR, more simply, it is well known that King is a huge fan of the show, and this could have been a bit of a shout out to him.

Flashback Scenes: So now we know why Jack has so many anger management issues. Heartbreak’s a bitch. But to fast forward a bit: how do the Others know SO much about him? Bare with me, but there’s a nutty theory that maybe they got the info from his father, and that maybe his father is still alive. The clues: his coffin in season 1 was empty. Jack saw him in on the island in supposed “hallucinations.” Furthermore, it is thought that the AA group leader in the flashback was also in Book Club on the Island. Could that meeting have been an off-Island secret Dharma get together? Seems far fetched, but remember, this is Lost. Regardless, it seems clear that the Others have ties to the mainland, as the collection of cd’s, books, grill cheese sandwiches, and modern clothes substantiate that notion.

THE HYDRA Station: Seems to be a zoological station. Clearly it’s where the Polar Bear from season 1 came from (best line of the night, from Zeke, “Hey, you got yourself a fish biscuit! It only took the bears two hours.”). Also, the Dharma shark we saw from season 2 comes from the “aquarium” that Jack is in. Question is, is the aquarium under water or just a tank. Could that be where the cable to the sea connects to?

But more than anything else, questions arise. Who was the boy in the other cage? How long have the Others been there? Are they Dharma scientists? How could they have not known about Desmond and Kelvin, or their sailboat (as noted in scenes from next week)? What are they going to do to Jack, Sawyer, and Kate? Is Zeke gay? (I mean, really, who wouldn’t want to see Kate naked??)

Look forward to 5 straight weeks of new episodes before an extended break. Till next week!


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